Although the weather doesn't agree with this to 100%, but still it's spring in Odessa:) Want it or no, it'll be warmer and warmer (I suppose:)
As I was pondering over this question earlier, it's time of absolute renewal and updating. With the first warm sum beams the world seems to be more attractive, the colours seem to be brighter and we're eager to fill ourselves and the whole world with the creative thoughts, endless ideas and inexhaustible energy and power we feel. And the very moment we're full of all this creative stuff, there one question occurs: where can we take the motivation to embody all the brilliand ideas from our brilliant head?
Frankly speaking, it's not only about some turning points in our lives, but also some routine situations, which you can't solve or bring them to the end because of lack of motivation and pushes.
There're loads of things that back us up in our everyday life, there're might be small details, kinda rituals or traditions you can rely on. However, in some occasions even they fail to support us and at that moment we realize that we need someting more powerful, more helpful, something completely new. As for me, it's not the thing we should be afraid of, it's very natural..
All people time to time swallow the hook. They're stuck in routine. It's so crucial to be brave enought, to have stamina to understand and accept it.
As for my position, the thing that's able to motivate me isn't actually a thing:) What really motivates and inspires me is other people. There're some you can follow their examples without hesitation. And here I'm not talking about idols or attempts to look like somebody, exatly not. Such people're always positive and with generous spirit; they emit warmth and energy. Being surrounded by such people means not to be afraid of failures:)
And what makes you go?

As I was pondering over this question earlier, it's time of absolute renewal and updating. With the first warm sum beams the world seems to be more attractive, the colours seem to be brighter and we're eager to fill ourselves and the whole world with the creative thoughts, endless ideas and inexhaustible energy and power we feel. And the very moment we're full of all this creative stuff, there one question occurs: where can we take the motivation to embody all the brilliand ideas from our brilliant head?
Frankly speaking, it's not only about some turning points in our lives, but also some routine situations, which you can't solve or bring them to the end because of lack of motivation and pushes.
There're loads of things that back us up in our everyday life, there're might be small details, kinda rituals or traditions you can rely on. However, in some occasions even they fail to support us and at that moment we realize that we need someting more powerful, more helpful, something completely new. As for me, it's not the thing we should be afraid of, it's very natural..
All people time to time swallow the hook. They're stuck in routine. It's so crucial to be brave enought, to have stamina to understand and accept it.
As for my position, the thing that's able to motivate me isn't actually a thing:) What really motivates and inspires me is other people. There're some you can follow their examples without hesitation. And here I'm not talking about idols or attempts to look like somebody, exatly not. Such people're always positive and with generous spirit; they emit warmth and energy. Being surrounded by such people means not to be afraid of failures:)
And what makes you go?

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