Have you ever noticed that while looking at somebody's appearance you firstly pay your attention to small detailes, such as earrings, a watch, types and colour of stitches? Your mind combines all these items and finally you've got the holistic evaluation of a look.
Otherwise, is it really so important to consider all those details?
Want it or not, you can't avoid judging details, it's in human's nature. The thing is not only in our appearance, but in other things as well. We judge people by their manner of speech, tone of the voice, smiles, gestures. These're components of one entire person's image. The same with our appearance. Moreover, if your appearance's important for you, you ought to consider all its "elements".
There's a prevailing opinion in society that these're only women who pay attention to all the small "unnecessary" things. Nothing of the sort. The mechanisms in both male and female's bodys are the same, cause we both human beings. Therefore, the reaction to other people ismore or less the same.
So, ladies, be cautious! :)
The list of details that draw other people's attention in your look is quite different, of course, e.g. all the people are not the same and, after all, tastes differ. I'd like you to have a look at my own list. Maybe, there'll be some matches:)
Otherwise, is it really so important to consider all those details?
Want it or not, you can't avoid judging details, it's in human's nature. The thing is not only in our appearance, but in other things as well. We judge people by their manner of speech, tone of the voice, smiles, gestures. These're components of one entire person's image. The same with our appearance. Moreover, if your appearance's important for you, you ought to consider all its "elements".
There's a prevailing opinion in society that these're only women who pay attention to all the small "unnecessary" things. Nothing of the sort. The mechanisms in both male and female's bodys are the same, cause we both human beings. Therefore, the reaction to other people is
So, ladies, be cautious! :)
The list of details that draw other people's attention in your look is quite different, of course, e.g. all the people are not the same and, after all, tastes differ. I'd like you to have a look at my own list. Maybe, there'll be some matches:)
I'd be very thankful for sharing your ideas and "lists". Welcome to comments!:))
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